Awair Event in Paris | 24.05.2018 | The Dark Side of Leadership

By 16 May 2018Focus

Bad leaders cost companies big money, Hogan Assessments can help mitigate their risk factors: come and learn how.


Did you know that…

  • 25% of employees would fire their boss if they could.
  • 47% distrust their organization’s senior leaders.
  • 75% report that the single most stressful aspect of their job is their immediate line manager.
  • Hellacious bosses cost companies 450 to 550 billion $ annually in lost productivity.

What about your company? What are the hidden costs of bad leadership?


On Thursday 24th of May, 2018 we are hosting in Paris an Executive Breakfast:

The Dark Side of Leadership

What you need to know about your leaders before it’s too late


Together with Zsolt Feher, Managing Director Europe at Hogan Assessments, during such a unique exchange we will share ideas on:

  • how to assess the derailers of your leaders and their fit with the organization
  • how to measure their effectiveness
  • how to enhance their performance


For further information and registration contact us



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